Short Workshops
These are 1-3 days events meant for participants who had already acquired basic understanding of the CDIO Framework. It is most useful for faculty who wanted to introduce a given CDIO Skill or set of CDIO Skills into his/her course; or for program chair who are engaged in program review or redesign. In general, topics covered in the Webinar can be elaborated upon with hands-on application in one’s specific program/course. 2 special topics of writing CDIO papers and accreditation are also included. Other topics not listed here can be arranged.
A small fee will be charged for these workshops.
Use the CONTACT FORM to reach us for more discussions.
Some of the available workshops are listed below:
Workshop Topic |
Synopsis |
Explicit Teaching of Thinking Skills using Sale’s Model of Thinking ![]() |
This workshop introduces participants to a Model of Thinking from Dennis Sale, former Senior Education Advisor from SP. Participants will learn about the various thinking heuristics underpinning the model, and see how the model can be used to address any higher order competencies that require the use of thinking, such as self-directed learning or information literacy. Participants also get to use the model to learn various thinking approaches in the literature, e.g. strategic thinking, computational thinking, etc; by discerning the desired outcomes of such thinking process and unpack it to show the underpinning heuristics |
Using the CDIO Syllabus for Curriculum Integration ![]() |
This workshop takes participants through the process of using the CDIO Syllabus to translate key stakeholders’ requirements into desired learning outcomes. It allows participants to unpack key competencies required for a given job role or tasks, and identify the underpinning skills and attitudes using the CDIO Syllabus. It introduces participants to the “skills-to-build-skills” approach of progressively develop the desired competencies pegged to the correct proficiency levels. |
Understanding Change and Stakeholder Requirements ![]() |
This workshop introduces participants to the process of horizon scanning, to identify change drivers that affect education, to guide an institution’s response. Tools such as STEEP Analysis and SWOT Analysis will be introduced. Several use cases will be shared. Participants will get the practice of identifying change drivers affecting one’s own institution in general and one’s own program in particular; and explore plausible approaches to address any challenges. |
Designing CDIO-type Integrated Curriculum ![]() |
This workshop provides participants with the understanding of designing an Integrated Curriculum that progressive develop students competencies to the desired proficiency levels as required by key stakeholders. Concepts such as graduate attributes and professional identify will be covered. The key difference between horizontal and vertical integration will be highlighted; and guidelines will be given in deciding the depth and breadth of integration of any desired skill or attitude. Tools such as gap analysis and competency mapping will be introduced. A case study of chemical engineering spiral curriculum will be shared. Participants will get to conduct gap analysis and competency mapping for one’s own program. |
Integrating Self-Directed Learning into Curriculum ![]() |
This workshop takes participants through the process of integrating self-directed learning (SDL) competency into one’s course. It starts with participants defining the context of learning, with emphasis on work scenarios that employees will be required to use SDL to achieve given task objective(s). The relevant skills needed for SDL will be unpacked and desired learning outcomes written using the CDIO Syllabus. The learners’ current SDL proficiency level will be taken into consideration and the desired proficiency level will also be ascertained. Participants will then design an integrated learning experience to develop the required SDL competency. |
Designing an Integrated Learning Experience using “Reverse Engineering” ![]() |
This workshop first take participants through a case study of existing integrated learning experience using a “reverse engineering” approach. The case study chosen is one that provide good understanding of what an integrated learning experience is, regardless of participants domain knowledge. The design principles will be gradually introduced, and participants will get to work on “extending” the given case, to deepen their understanding of how the process is carried out, using a generic graduate attribute of Global Mindset. |
CDIO Self-Evaluation on Integration of Sustainable Development ![]() |
This workshop shares with participants how to use the CDIO Core Standards to carry out a self-evaluation of the coverage of education for sustainable development (ESD) in a given program. It uses a set of guiding questions that takes participants through each standard in turn, to permit evaluation of the attainment or otherwise of the requirements of each core standard in the context of ESD. Note: The ‘optional’ CDIO Standard on Sustainable Development is not used in this workshop. |
Integrating Sustainable Development into Curriculum ![]() |
This workshop will explain how sustainable development can be integrated into any curriculum using the CDIO Framework. This workshop is useful for any lecturer who wants to introduce sustainable development into his/her course, with specific reference to one or more United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). It provides participants with a pedagogical approach and systematic process to effectively design integrated learning experiences that delivers a "dual-impact" learning in that students can appreciate how the domain knowledge in their chosen field of study can be used for both professional roles and also contribute to sustainable development. |
Program Accreditation via CDIO for Continual Improvement ![]() |
This workshop provides participants with understanding of how the CDIO Self-Evaluation works and aligns to the needs of program accreditation, using the criteria from ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) as examples. It specifically address Criterion 3 Student Outcomes. Other relevant criteria will also be discussed. |
Writing Papers for International CDIO Conferences ![]() |
This workshop is targeted at faculty who wants to submit paper(s) for International CDIO Conference. Prior experience in scientific paper publication is useful but not essential, and as such, is useful for faculty who had not written conference paper before. The specific nuances of writing for worldwide audience of the CDIO Community will be highlighted, along with tips on do’s and don’ts. This session concludes with suggestion on how a faculty can embark on an action research and reflective practice to pave the way for writing CDIO papers in the future. |
Teaching & Learning Principles Underpinning CDIO Framework ![]() |
This workshop provides participants with a good understanding of the foundational teaching and learning principles and practices that underpinned the various CDIO Core Standards. It provides a basis for Institutions interested in adopting the CDIO Framework to first ascertain its faculty competencies in teaching and learning, and provide guidance on how the gaps identified (if any) can be first be adequately addressed. (Note: SP offers a range of professional development workshops on teaching and learning, not part of this list. Kindly contact us for more details) |
Design Thinking for CDIO ![]()
This workshop provides participants with a working understanding of how the Design Thinking methodology works and how it fits into the CDIO Framework. Each stage of the design thinking process in explained, and participants get to work on a min design thinking project; and explore how it can be integrated into one’s own program. |
Other topics will be added when available |